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Trapped in the Surrogacy Boom: Thai Women Rescued from Human Egg Farms in Georgia

Human Rights Research Center

February 18, 2025

HRRC condemns human trafficking and illegal trafficking in all forms. The recent rescue of three Thai women in Georgia from human egg trafficking highlights the urgent need for greater national and international security cooperation, legal protections for victims, and psycho-social services support for survivors of human trafficking.

Three Thai women have been rescued from a human egg trafficking operation in Georgia, run by a Chinese human trafficking syndicate. One of the victims, speaking anonymously at a press conference, revealed how she was deceived by an online job advertisement promising lucrative surrogacy work. The offer included a monthly salary of 25,000 Thai baht ($742.94 U.S.) and an all-expenses-paid trip to Georgia to help childless couples.

Pavena Hongsakula talks to the three rescued women at the Pavena Foundation for Children and Women in Bangkok yesterday (Feb 3, 2025). [Image source: Phuket News via Bangkok Post]
Pavena Hongsakula talks to the three rescued women at the Pavena Foundation for Children and Women in Bangkok yesterday (Feb 3, 2025). [Image source: Phuket News via Bangkok Post]

However, upon arrival, the women’s passports were confiscated, and they were told they were in the country illegally and would face arrest if they tried to leave. They were confined to group homes with several other Thai women and injected with hormones to stimulate egg production. Their harvested eggs were then allegedly sold and trafficked for in-vitro fertilization (IVF) purposes.

The operation was exposed when one of the victims managed to secure her release by paying a ransom of 70,000 baht ($2,053 U.S.). Upon returning to Thailand, she alerted The Pavena Hongsakul Foundation for Children and Women, a local NGO, which then informed Thai authorities. A coordinated rescue effort involving Interpol, as well as Thai and Georgian authorities, was launched. While three women have been rescued, the NGO estimates that approximately 100 women may still be trapped in similar facilities.

The Legal Landscape of Surrogacy

Thailand banned commercial surrogacy for foreign couples in 2015 following a series of scandals that shook the industry. However, the country is now considering amendments to this law, aiming to introduce stricter regulations that would boost medical tourism while ensuring that domestic citizens benefit from reproductive services.

Surrogacy remains a controversial industry with significant ethical and human rights concerns, particularly in transnational cases. The stark economic divide between wealthy prospective parents in the Global North and surrogate mothers in developing nations creates an imbalance of power, increasing the risk of exploitation.

Despite the growing global demand for surrogacy, no international human rights laws specifically regulate the practice. However, several treaties—including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)—offer legal guidance on reproductive rights and labor protections. The Verona Principles  provide the most detailed recommendations regarding surrogacy, particularly in protecting the rights of children born through the process.

A Call for Ethical Oversight, Not a Blanket Ban

HRRC supports Principle 7 of the Verona Principles, which stresses the importance of fully informed and voluntary consent for surrogate mothers. HRCC urges authorities to expedite the release and safe return of all women still trapped in these trafficking networks.

While stricter regulations are necessary, banning surrogacy outright may have unintended consequences. The growing demand for surrogacy could drive the industry underground, an unregulated black market would create new opportunities for traffickers and increase risks for vulnerable women. Instead, governments must strengthen oversight mechanisms to ensure ethical and legal safeguards that prevent exploitation while protecting the rights of all involved.



  • Allegedly – Used to indicate something that is claimed to be true but has not been proven with concrete evidence.

  • Amendments – Official changes or modifications made to laws, policies, or regulations.

  • Baht – The official currency of Thailand.

  • Black Market – An illegal or unregulated marketplace where goods and services are bought and sold outside official oversight.

  • Confiscated – Taken away or seized by an authority, often as a form of punishment or control.

  • Consent – Voluntary and informed agreement to participate in an activity, often referring to medical, legal, or contractual matters.

  • Controversial – A subject or issue that causes strong disagreement or debate.

  • Expedite – To speed up a process or make something happen more quickly.

  • Exploitation – The act of taking advantage of someone for personal or financial gain, often through unfair or unethical means.

  • Hormones – Chemical substances produced in the body that regulate various physiological functions, including reproduction.

  • Human Egg Trafficking – The illegal trade and forced extraction of human eggs, often involving exploitation and coercion.

  • In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) – A medical procedure in which an egg is fertilized outside the body and then implanted into the uterus.

  • Lucrative – Producing a high profit; financially rewarding.

  • Medical Tourism – Traveling to another country to receive medical treatments, often due to lower costs or specialized healthcare services.

  • NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) – A non-profit, independent organization that operates outside of government control, typically focused on social, humanitarian, environmental, or human rights issues.

  • Oversight Mechanisms – Systems or processes designed to monitor, regulate, and ensure compliance with laws and ethical standards.

  • Prospective – Expected or likely to happen in the future; often used to describe potential customers, parents, or candidates.

  • Ransom – A payment demanded in exchange for the release of a person or property held captive.

  • Scandals – Events or actions that cause public outrage due to unethical or illegal behavior.

  • Surrogacy – An arrangement in which a woman (the surrogate) carries and gives birth to a child on behalf of another person or couple, who will become the child's legal parents. Surrogacy can be commercial (where the surrogate is compensated) or altruistic (where no payment beyond medical expenses is involved).

  • Syndicate – A group or organization, often engaged in coordinated activities, which can be legal (business syndicates) or illegal (criminal networks).

  • Transnational – Extending across multiple countries, often used in the context of trade, crime, or human rights issues.



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