March 31, 2022

Cited article by Tim Hoeflinger and São Paulo, Forbes
HRRC promotes policies and procedures that ensure compliance with international human rights standards. Corporations operating in regions with human rights concerns must take steps to ensure social responsibility and that their presence benefits the employees and community in which they are situated.
Article Summary
Global efforts to address climate change and human rights issues are becoming increasingly widespread, and the situation in Brazil is an important example. Companies in Brazil face considerable challenges in ensuring they are not exacerbating existing human rights issues or being complicit in any way.
Mining, logging operations, cattle ranching, and soybean production, all pose risk of deforestation and damage to the Brazilian environment while also threatening the health and territories of indigenous populations. Modern slavery remains a problem in Brazilian industries such as cattle, cocoa, charcoal, timber, textile, and construction (especially in rural areas). Additionally, racism remains a major problem, particularly for corporations that maintain discriminatory hiring practices and mistreatment of minorities.
Corporations have a responsibility to ensure that they are complying with global human rights standards. If those standards are not being abided, they can take a number of steps, including developing an internal human rights policy. These policies must be implemented to further the protection and safety of those working there and the communities in which they operate.